Articles |
your airfield or flying club produces a newsletter, it would be doing a great service to
the campaign if an article advertising Action for Airfields could be included in the next
issue. To make this easy for you, we have
written a template article for you. Simply copy the text to the right from your browser
and paste it into your newsletter. Feel free to reproduce it verbatim, or amend it to suit
your own circumstances.
Please note the template refers to leaflets
which can be downloaded from this web site from here.
If you are having trouble downloading or
printing these, then e-mail us at with your address and
we'll get a few out to you in the post.
If you are feeling particularly supportive, why
not distribute the leaflet with the newsletter?
When your newsletter goes out with the article,
please let us know by e-mail at so we can thank
you as well as gauge the effect of our promotional efforts. |

You may
have noticed recently a few leaflets advertising Action for Airfields doing
the rounds at the airfield. This campaign has been launched to encourage greater awareness
of, and more activity in opposing, efforts to restrict and close airfields nation-wide. It
is a grass roots campaign which seeks to address what the General Aviation Awareness
Council has called a "
latent complacency
" which simply has to be
overcome if GAs voice is to be heard and heeded." The campaign has
received a steady and encouraging number of responses from individuals, but is always
seeking to expand the support base. You can register your support by joining the
Supporters Network. It costs nothing to join, and by doing so Action for Airfields will be
able to alert you when an airfield needs your support, advise you how best to register
that support, and keep you up to date with airfield news from around the country. Pick up
a leaflet on your next visit to the airfield, or view the campaign web site at http://www.airfields.org.uk. When it comes to
preserving our airfield amenities, its a numbers game, and we need to start playing
it. |