The North Weald Parish Council are laying on buses to run from North
Weald Village to the EiP in Letchworth on the 14th and 15th Feb. If
anyone wants to reserve a place on the bus please just email back and I
will arrange that for you or call the parish clerk directly on 01992 534825
For those who wish to travel direct to the EiP the address is:-
Spirella Ballroom,
Bridge Road,
For those wishing to make a contribution to the campaign please send
cheques to :-
C/O The Squadron
North Weald Airfield
North Weald
Nr. Epping
CM16 6AA
And make cheques payable to:-
“North Weald Airfield Users Group”
and write your name & email address on the reverse of the cheque. Thanks.
Finally a thank you to everyone who lodged objections to the enquiry.
We managed to get 6500 objections lodged which represented one quarter
of the total objections received for the entire matter 8h for the
region. Well done and thanks. If we keep the pressure on we have a good
chance of convincing the inspector at the EiP that the airfield must not
be built on.
We look forward to seeing you at the EiP on the 14th / 15th February.
Please make every effort to attend if you can.
Thank you
From the North Weald Airfield Users Group.