a six-month period of uncertainty, the future of Henstridge airfield will shortly be
secured for the foreseeable future. Concessions have had to be made:
repeat circuit
flying cannot take place
they have undertaken
not to apply for licensing
their operating
hours are trimmed a little (close at 7pm weekdays, 6pm Sundays or sunset)
they operate during
the week in accordance with a Memorandum of Understanding which they have negotiated with
RNAS Yeovilton
Above all, pilots
must not overfly the villages and dwellings near the airfield. These are not onerous
restrictions, in fact they have been operating thus for most of this so-called Summer,
with the result that noise complaints have virtually ceased, and the 'political' climate
locally has vastly improved
The winter will be long, though, and they need
lots of support to see them through. They are selling Avgas as cheaply as they can. The
kitchen operates at weekends and offers a roast lunch and puds as well as the traditional
all-day breakfast. It would be a dreadful shame if they were to have overcome all the
previously insurmountable problems only to sink due to lack of support. So please schedule
a visit. In order to reduce costs the airfield is "one hour PPR" during the week
until March.
If you have any
airfield news you would like to share you can contact us via e-mail