GAAC is hosting this seminar on Friday 4th May 2001. Following an introduction by David
Ogilvy, Chairman GAAC, the provisional agenda includes:-
The Future
Looks Bleak
Peter Kember of Kember Loudon Williams Planning covers the various threats to aerodrome
establishment and development posed by the planning system and the need to be alert to
restraints arising from county structure plans, district local plans and other external
effects on airfields. |
We will
adapt and survive
Tony Cooper, Airfield Director at White Waltham on what the aerodrome operator can do in
the present climate. |
is Vital
Philip Isbell, Director, RJI Planning on how the systems enable you to prevent adverse
development by others on your runway threshold or approaches. |
The Quiet
Aeroplane is Coming
Ivan Shaw, Chief Designer, Liberty Aircraft |
The venue will be the Royal Aeronautical
Society, 4 Hamilton Place, London, W1V 0BQ, starting 11:00 (finishing 16:30). Member
organisations of the GAAC are entitled to send one delegate free of charge. The charge is
£15 for individual members of associations supporting the GAAC, or £50 otherwise.
Notes taken at the seminar can now be viewed. |