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22/05/01 News
GAAC Seminar - The Future for UK Aerodromes
As previously reported the GAAC seminar "The Future for UK Aerodromes" was held on 4th May.

In his introduction, David Ogilvy, GAAC Chairman, reported that over 300 airfields are currently experiencing problems, 43 of them for the first time in the last year alone.

Follow the links below for notes taken from the presentations given during the seminar.

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The Future Looks Bleak - Unless
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"I have seen so very few attempts to establish any sort of dialogue with those at the local level who have the power to influence the future of an aerodrome that in consequence I am very despondent about the future for most aerodromes."

Peter Kember DipTP MRTPI MIMgt
Senior Partner, Kember Loudon Williams
Chartered Town Planning Consultants

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Our Neighbours are NOT the Enemy
bulletpln.gif (836 bytes)White Waltham
bulletpln.gif (836 bytes)Little Gransden

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Do nothing, fight, or negotiate?
Two case studies.

Tony Cooper, Airfield Director, White Waltham
John Jefferies, Airfield Director, Little Gransden

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Safeguarding is Vital
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"We live in a society where the pressure for development is growing...and planning has got to accommodate all these pressures. You cannot guarantee that your airfield will have any say unless you've clearly highlighted your airspace needs well in advance"

Philip Isbell BSc(Hons) LL.B(Hons) MRTPI
Director RJI Planning

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The Quiet Aeroplane is Coming
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"I do not consider that as a pilot I have a special right to fly around in a noisy aircraft annoying people on the ground" [Ivan Shaw]

Keith Wilson
Director, Liberty Aerospace USA
Managing Director, Europa Aircraft Co. UK

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In his closing remarks, David Ogilvy left the audience with the question "How much longer can GA survive on the defensive?"
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